Monday, December 28, 2009

If you were to boot a machine on a usb flash drive linux?

If you were to boot a machine on a usb flash drive linux,

will your machine be safe?

will the linux be sanboxed in?

or can viruses get onto your machine?If you were to boot a machine on a usb flash drive linux?
Since Linux can write to an NTFS partition, if you saved downloads you did in Linux to your Windows partition, it would be the same as using Windows to do it. How the files get there doesn't matter. If you turned the drive off and the flash drive was the only drive in the computer, all you could ruin was the Linux installation on the flash drive. (That's why Freesco is virus-proof - as long as you have a back-up floppy. If one gets hacked or virused, just boot with the other one and make the bad one a backup of the good one.)If you were to boot a machine on a usb flash drive linux?
Neither PV nor Colanth hit it right, but

you worry too much.
no it would be just like booting from a CD

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