Thursday, December 24, 2009

What is the difference between the built in flash on your DSLR and an eternal?

Well, the flash on your dSLR will sooner or later stop working. An eternal, on the other hand, will last until the end of time.What is the difference between the built in flash on your DSLR and an eternal?
External flash is more versatile -- you can change the settings easily, move it around easily, etc. It's not necessarily stuck to the top of the camera.

When you're using built-in flash for close up images and have your lens zoomed out (or a long lens) that can cause the flash to not reach the whole image, leaving a big shadow on part of your picture. External takes care of that.

They generally have more power to them (more brightness), and there are more versatile power options -- rather than draining your camera's battery, you can get external battery packs, etc.What is the difference between the built in flash on your DSLR and an eternal?
An external flash also gives you the option to have it completely off the camera for side lighting, making for much more interesting pictures. You just need a hot shoe cable.
The external flash has more power, and usually has the ability to swivel so you can aim it in different angles.
Two main things:


1) more power and control

2) no redeye

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